[GCP] 1. 클라우드 컴퓨팅 Cloud Computing?

간단히 설명하면
1. 사람이 개입하지 않고도 알아서 리소스(cpu, storage, etc)를 제공하고
2. 어디서든지 액세스가 가능하며
3. Provider(물론 구글)이 리소스를 공유하고
4. 더 필요해지면 탄력적으로 리소스들을 추가할수있고
5. 쓴 만큼 사용료를 내는 것!!

Cloud computing has five fundamental attributes, according to the definition of cloud
computing proposed by the United States National Institute of Standards and

First, customers get computing resources on-demand and self-service.
Cloud-computing customers use an automated interface and get the processing
power, storage, and network they need, with no need for human intervention.

Second, they can access these resources over the network.

Third, the provider of those resources has a big pool of them, and allocates them to
customers out of the pool. That allows the provider to get economies of scale by
buying in bulk. Customers don’t have to know or care about the exact physical
location of those resources.

Fourth, the resources are elastic. Customers who need more resources can get more
rapidly. When they need less, they can scale back.

And last, the customers pay only for what they use or reserve, as they go. If they stop
using resources, they stop paying.


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